Acupuncture for Fertility, Pregnancy & Postpartum

Women’s Fertility
Acupuncture serves as both an alternative and complementary approach to medical interventions like intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles.
It aids in enhancing blood flow to the uterus, promoting a healthy lining, while also contributing to improved egg quality and hormonal balance in women, including progesterone, estrogen, HCG, FSH, AMH, and LH levels.
Acupuncture effectively mitigates stress associated with the fertility journey, offering support during an emotionally challenging period where individuals often feel a loss of control over their bodies and minds.
Acupuncture addresses male fertility concerns by improving both sperm quality including motility and morphology, and quantity. By integrating acupuncture with supplements and lifestyle adjustments, it positively impacts men's sperm health.
If you would like to discuss your specific journey schedule a consultation.
Male Fertility

Prenatal & Postpartum
Acupuncture supports your prenatal care and can be beneficial during every stage of pregnancy. This holistic treatment method offers a range of benefits for each trimester, helping you manage the challenges and changes that may occur throughout your pregnancy
1st trimester
Acupuncture can help reduce the chance of miscarriage to maintain a viable pregnancy. Acupuncture has also been known to relieve a variety of early pregnancy symptoms ranging from fatigue to morning sickness and constipation.
2nd and 3rd trimester
Acupuncture techniques can help with various discomforts often experienced during this stage, like ligament pain, restless legs, swelling, headaches, insomnia, back pain, heartburn, and hemorrhoids.
Final Weeks of The Third Trimester
During the last few weeks of the third trimester acupuncture prepares the body for labor, it helps the baby to drop into position, cervical ripening, dilation and contractions. I also will educate you and your laboring partner about acupressure, which is useful during active labor.

For those having a planned c-section, acupuncture will prepare your body and mind to undergo surgery.
Used between 32 and 36 weeks’ gestation, acupuncture and moxibustion can encourage breech babies to turn head down prior to delivery.​
Postpartum Recovery and Lactation
Aided by acupuncture, nutrition, and Chinese Herbal Medicine. We will provide recipes for snacks, meals and teas that rebuild your bodies strength after giving birth.